Wednesday, October 22, 2014

GodsView : Decision Making: Discerning the Will of God!

GodsView : Decision Making: Discerning the Will of God!: Everyone is confronted with countless decisions throughout life. Many decisions are of little significance, but some may change your life...

Decision Making: Discerning the Will of God!

Everyone is confronted with countless decisions throughout life. Many decisions are of little significance, but some may change your life forever. Sometimes just deciding what to eat for lunch seems difficult, but decisions that have weighty consequences can cause you grave concern.
Take a step of faith and trust God. He does not play “hide and seek” as you try to discover His will. The more intimately you draw near to the heart of God, the more clearly you begin to know the will of God. And as you sincerely begin to place His desires above your own desires, He is faithful to point the way.
What God Says
“Offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:1-2

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

GodsView : Thank You Mommy For Killing Me!

GodsView : Thank You Mommy For Killing Me!: If the enemies of Planned Parenthood wanted to make them look bad, they could not done have a better job than the baby-killing corporatio...

Thank You Mommy For Killing Me!

If the enemies of Planned Parenthood wanted to make them look bad, they could not done have a better job than the baby-killing corporation did with its new slogan and ad campaign. The slogan? “Care. No matter what.” The ad campaign, “Your Baby Will Thank You.”
Too bad Dr. Kermit Gosnell didn’t think of the slogan first. He could have boasted, “We provide baby-killing care no matter what. In the womb. Outside the womb. Early in the pregnancy. Late in the pregnancy. You just come in pregnant, we guarantee you’ll leave without a baby – although we might just keep some of the baby parts as trophies of the excellent ‘care’ we provide.”
Yes, mothers, your babies would certainly have thanked you for bringing them to such a caring doctor: “Mommy, I started to whimper and I was so afraid, but then that nice man snipped my spine, and I didn’t feel anything anymore.”
Here in Charlotte, North Carolina, the city’s busiest abortion clinic (located on Latrobe Drive), provided a different level of “care” for its customers. This week, it was temporarily shut down after, “Inspectors from the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services conducted a surprise visit to Latrobe April 19-20 and did additional investigation work in late April and early May.
“They found ‘that conditions at A Preferred Women's Health Center, LLC, present an imminent danger to the health, safety and welfare of the clients and that emergency action is required to protect the clients.’
“They found that the facility was improperly administering chemical abortions and improperly examining post-abortive women before they were discharged from surgery...These health violations come on the heels of a similar investigation in December, when state inspectors found dead insects, blood splatters and dirty surgical instruments inside the abortion facility.” (This is a link to the actual report.)
The Latrobe clinic also failed to reassemble the body parts of the aborted babies – clinically and coldly called the P.O.C., or “products of conception” – a procedure which is intended to ensure that the mother’s uterus is completely emptied of any baby remains.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

GodsView : Richard Dawkins Exposes the Immorality of His Athe...

GodsView : Richard Dawkins Exposes the Immorality of His Athe...: Giving further ammunition to those who say that atheists cannot fully value all human life, Richard Dawkins has now stated that it would ...

Richard Dawkins Exposes the Immorality of His Atheism!

Giving further ammunition to those who say that atheists cannot fully value all human life, Richard Dawkins has now stated that it would be "immoral" not to abort a baby with Down syndrome. Are you surprised?
It was just last week that the British scientist exposed the irrationality of his atheism when he claimed that nice, nonviolent practitioners of religion served as enablers for religious terrorism.
He first noted that, "It's very important that we should not demonise ordinary, law-abiding, very decent Muslims, which of course is the vast majority in this country" (speaking of the U.K.).
But that was only the prelude to the punchline: "[However] there is a sense in which the moderate, nice religious people—nice Christians, nice Muslims—make the world safe for extremists."
How so? He opined that, "the moderates are so nice we all are brought up with the idea that there's something good about religion faith. That there's something good about bringing children up to have a faith."
And, since faith can't be defended rationally (according to Dawkins), then, "Once you teach people that that's a legitimate reason for believing something then you, as it were, give a licence to the extremists who say 'my belief is that I'm supposed to be a suicide bomber or I'm supposed to blow up buildings—it's my faith and you can't question that."
This is complete bunk, not to mention utterly irrational.
To give one example out of millions, let me tell you the story of my Indian friend P. Yesupadam.
Raised an untouchable, he rejected his father's Christian faith and his nation's Hindu faith.
Almost dying of malnutrition as a boy, he learned to hate the caste system and, at the age of 11, he became a Naxalite, a Maoist communist. Soon he was a committed atheist (in keeping with his Naxalite philosophy), an alcoholic, and a violent man, engaging in acts of terror against the rich.
Then, in his mid-20's, he had a vision of Jesus and has since given himself to serve the poor and needy of India (and other nations) for the last 40 years–-building orphanages, schools (from nursery school to junior college and nursing schools), feeding programs, homes for the elderly, training centers to teach trades to the handicapped, also bringing the message of the gospel to the tribal regions.
Of the many orphans and needy children his ministry has fed, clothed and educated over the last 25 years, some are now doctors in America, some nurses and school teachers in India, and others pastors and Christian leaders.
The accomplishments are truly staggering to the point that, when he turned 60 a couple of years ago, government leaders came to the celebration to commend him for his humanitarian work.
Following Prof. Dawkins' "logic," we would have to say that "nice Christians" like Yesupadam encourage people to strap on a suicide belt and blow themselves up, together with their innocent victims.
To repeat: This is complete bunk and a demonstration of the irrationality of Dawkins' atheism.
Now, to add insult to injury, Dawkins has exposed the immorality of his atheism, stating that if a woman knew she was carrying a baby with Down syndrome, she should "abort it and try again. It would be immoral to bring it into the world if you have the choice."
This is not just bunk. It is utterly rancid.
Aside from his claims that the baby would feel no pain in being aborted (he's quite sure about that?), he is doing the very thing that theists claim atheism can lead to, namely, devaluing of human life based on a survival-of-the-fittest mentality.
Really now, if you can determine that some people are not worthy to live before they are even born, surely it's not that big a jump to determine that some people are not worthy to live after they have been born.
Perhaps the very elderly and the hopelessly infirm, especially if their lives could be terminated "mercifully"? Perhaps those who are incorrigibly violent? Perhaps those who are seriously mentally handicapped?
Why not? Or, more specifically, based on what criteria do we judge who is worthy to enter this world and who is worthy to live?
Writing on, Dustin Siggins points out that, "Although it is widely believed that people with Down syndrome are doomed to a life of suffering, in one large survey 99 percent of respondents with Down syndrome said they were 'happy.' At the same time, 99 percent percent of parents said they loved their child with Down syndrome, and 97 percent said they were proud of them." (The siblings of Down syndrome children expressed similar, overwhelmingly positive sentiments.)
It is becoming increasingly clear that Dawkins is something of an embarrassment, even to other atheists (although he is still revered by many). The only question that remains is this: Are his irrational and immoral positions unique to him, or are they the logical outcome of his Darwinian evolutionism?

GodsView : Never Satisfied!

GodsView : Never Satisfied!: The tenth commandment—"You shall not covet" ( Ex. 20:17 )—is different from the other nine. It can be broken without anyone see...

Never Satisfied!

The tenth commandment—"You shall not covet" (Ex. 20:17)—is different from the other nine. It can be broken without anyone seeing it, because coveting is an inward attitude, not an outward action. This commandment probes the heart and touches on our desires. It deals with what we want, not just what we do.
But "stuff" won't make you happy. As Solomon said, "No matter how much we see, we are never satisfied" (Eccl. 1:8, TLB). That certainly nails it!
Coveting shows a dissatisfaction with God's provision. Covetous people will compare what they have with their neighbor and feel shortchanged. Coveting damages relationships with others. How can you love your neighbors when what they have is the object of your covetousness?
And coveting leads to other forms of sin—it spreads. Lot desired the land near Sodom, and that led to physical and moral danger for him (see Gen. 13-14, 19). Achan took what belonged to the Lord, and that caused the defeat of the Israelites in battle (see Josh. 7). David coveted the wife of Uriah, which led him to adultery and murder (see 2 Sam. 11).
So what is the spiritual antidote to covetousness? It's a lifestyle of contentment, the satisfaction that comes from realizing God knows my needs and provides for them."I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content" (Phil. 4:11).When you are content, it means you're saying, "What God has given is enough." Contentment doesn't come from what you have; it's independent of that. It comes from Whom you have. Note also from that verse that the cure must be learned; it's not genetic.
Contentment is related to godliness (see 1 Tim. 6:6). The more godly you become, the more content you become. Contentment is rooted in eternity (see v. 7). Our treasures are in heaven; we brought nothing into this world, and we will take nothing with us. Contentment rejoices in essentials (see v. 8). It enables you to say, "This is all I need." Contentment is ruined by craving more (see vv. 9-10). Those who lust after things are falling into a trap.
The cure must be practiced. How? With a single eye—with a focus on eternity, because things are passing. With a loose grip—because, again, we will carry nothing out of this world.And with an open heart—practicing generosity.
Consider how the Lord has provided for you and taken care of your needs. What do you need that you don't have? More money? More things? If your focus is on a dream house or a dream spouse or a dream car, could the problem be with your dreams?
Riches are not in themselves evil. It's what they do to us:covetousness binds us to the temporal, and it blinds us from the eternal. So have a light touch, not a tight grip. Remember, happiness is never from the outside in, but always from the inside out.